Kemira and the NIB signed EUR 90 million loan agreement

Photo: Kemira
Photo: Kemira

Kemira Oyj and the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) have signed EUR 90 million loan agreement. Kemira Oyj and the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) have signed on February 19, 2018, a EUR 90 million loan agreement for Kemira’s completed expansion of chlorate production in Joutseno, Finland as well as investments in research and development during 2016-2019.

The new chlorate production line in Joutseno, Finland, started up in autumn 2017, is based on Kemira’s proprietary in-house technology and has significantly increased the site’s current sodium chlorate capacity. Sodium chlorate is the raw material for chlorine dioxide (ClO2), which is produced on-site at the pulp mills and it is the primary bleaching agent for kraft pulp.

Kemira’s R&D programme during 2016-2019 focuses on developing more sustainable solutions for improving the water, energy and raw material efficiency of customers in various sectors, including pulp, paper as well as that of other industrial applications. In addition, Kemira has collaboration programmes with other companies and universities and research centres, including Aalto University, the Technical Research Centre of Finland and the University of Copenhagen.