At this year's PulPaper exhibition in Helsinki, the company presented ACA's next generation viscosity meter, ACAV AX100, for optimizing coating runnability.
In many applications, the viscosity is an important parameter for a successful result. A viscometer is an instrument used to measure the viscosity of coating dispersions under specific shear rates. According to the manufacturer, a viscometer with a capillary meter can quickly analyze at shear rates on coating recipe up to> 1,000,000 1 / s. With this, the user can create real coating conditions.
Coatings are rheologically complex materials. Their viscosity is highly dependent on the so-called share rate. Modern high-speed coaters generate shear speeds> 1 000 000 1/s. Share rate is a measure used to describe the flow of liquid through a channel. More specifically, the share rate is the rate at which the velocity of a fluid under shear changes through its thickness, also known as its velocity gradient.
ACAV AX 100 measures the viscosity at share rates> 1,000,000 1 / s while other viscometers commonly used in industry show only the low shear viscosity part and can be extremely misleading in terms of coating performance predictions.
Source: ACA Systems Oy