US mills set record-high levels of tissue production

In February and March, AF&PA members safely and reliably delivered more than 22,000 short tons of parent roll tissue per day – an all-time high for the industry. In March alone, tissue mills produced nearly 700,000 short tons of parent roll tissue, more than any other month since 2007. This rate works out to more than 4 pounds of tissue for each U.S. resident.  Data Source: The American Forest & Paper Association
In February and March, AF&PA members safely and reliably delivered more than 22,000 short tons of parent roll tissue per day – an all-time high for the industry. In March alone, tissue mills produced nearly 700,000 short tons of parent roll tissue, more than any other month since 2007. This rate works out to more than 4 pounds of tissue for each U.S. resident.  Data Source: The American Forest & Paper Association

Nearly 700,000 tons of tissue produced by U.S. mills in March, more than any other month since 2007.

American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) President and CEO Heidi Brock issued the following statement regarding the U.S. paper and wood products industry’s record-high levels of tissue production in February and March in response to unprecedented demand from COVID-19:

“The men and women who work in the paper and wood products industry continue to do their part to respond to demand for products like bathroom tissue and paper towels during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. United States tissue mills manufactured nearly 700,000 tons of tissue in March, more than any other month since 2007, when AF&PA began collecting related monthly historical data. This rate works out to more than 4 pounds of tissue for each U.S. resident.

“U.S tissue manufacturers also reached a milestone for daily production at a time of unprecedented need. In February and March, AF&PA members safely and reliably delivered more than 22,000 tons of tissue per day – an all-time high for the industry.

“As daily production reached new thresholds, AF&PA member companies stayed the course, delivering sustainable tissue products to meet everyday, essential needs. I am heartened by the industry’s commitment to safety, and its ability to move products to the global market – just as we do 52 weeks each year.”