Toscotec to participate in ExpoAcotepac 2022.

Toscotec will participate in the 30th International Conference and ExpoAcotepac 2022 organized by the Colombian Association of Technicians of the Cellulose, Paper and Cardboard Industry (ACOTEPAC) from 16th to 18th February in Cali, Colombia. 

At the conference, Toscotec will present its innovative technology for superior energy efficiency with two technical speeches on 17th February:

  • 4.15 pm: Enrico Fazio, Sales Director of Toscotec Paper & Board division, will illustrate the advantages of two paper machine rebuilding projects in the case study analysis titled “Even small rebuilds bring great benefits.”
  • 5.15 pm: Gabriele Romanini, Sales Manager of Toscotec Tissue division, will talk about the “Strategic roadmap to energy-efficient tissue machines”. The presentation focuses on the superior drying efficiency of the shoe press of new generation TT NextPress paired with the third-generation design TT SYD Steel Yankee Dryer.