Hupacasath First Nation signs memorandum of understanding with Catalyst Paper

Walter Tarnowksy (left), General Manager at Catalyst Port Alberni, shaking hands with Chief Councillor Brandy Lauder (right), after signing an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Hupacasath First Nation and Catalyst Paper, a Paper Excellence company. Photo: Catalyst Paper

Hupacasath First Nation and Catalyst Paper, a Paper Excellence company, recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU sets out the intentions of both parties to build a collaborative relationship together.

“Signing this MOU is about change. It’s about all of us at Paper Excellence, rightfully recognizing and respecting the aboriginal rights of the Hupacasath Nation and forging a relationship that allows us to grow together as partners into the future. It’s change that is long overdue. It’s change that is needed. And it’s change that we look forward to,” said Walter Tarnowsky, General Manager, Catalyst Port Alberni.

“The Hupacasath Nation is pleased to take this important first step in building a mutually beneficial relationship with the Port Alberni mill,” said Chief Councillor Brandy Lauder. “Our people have been in this valley since time immemorial and we value meaningful partnerships with the forest industry in our territory.”

Paper Excellence understands the importance of being good neighbours and greatly values its relationships with Indigenous communities. Paper Excellence’s approach is to build long-term high value partnerships with communities in its operating areas and where practicable to align its vision, values and corporate policies with local Indigenous Peoples. Towards this commitment, Paper Excellence is focused on building beneficial business partnerships and supporting community investment with initiatives that focus on business capacity, education, health and culture, and sustainability projects.

Paper Excellence, headquartered in British Columbia, is a diversified manufacturer of pulp and specialty, printing, writing, and packaging papers. The company operates seven mills and a large-scale cargo distribution centre in Canada producing and shipping over 2.8 million tonnes annually with a workforce of more than 2,800.