Water treatment system order for a ProJet customer in Mexico

Water recycling system.

ProJet received an order for 2 Power Cleaners (dryer fabric cleaners) from a non-disclosed customer in Mexico. Included in the order was a complete Water Recycling & Treatment system.

The order was received in October 2022 and the value of the order will not be disclosed. Delivery will be in Q1 of 2023. ProJet Cleaners are already running at other Mexican mill sites, such as BioPappel, Pondercel, SmurfitKappa, Grupak and Papeles Ultra.

ProJet’s water treatment system has a capacity of 100Liter/min and is able to provide a complete “closed water circuit” to customers. Many factories have strict regulations for sewer water so closed circuits are perfect to avoid high costs for water discharges into the public sewer.

The ProJet system includes heat exchangers, water softeners, level switches, de-ironing, booster pumps and multi-stage filtration. As all ProJet equipment, all is controlled by PLC control and is installed by ProJet engineers commissioned on a “turn-key” basis.