APP Sinar Mas to build giant paper mill in India

Photo: APP Sinar Mas
Photo: APP Sinar Mas

A feasibility study is currently being conducted for a 1.2 million tpy printing paper, tissue and cartonboard mill in the Indian state of Maharashtra, according to Asia Pulp & Paper.

Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) is part of the Indonesia's Sinar Mas group. The India project is of strategic importance for its operations in Indonesia, since the paper mill in Dherand will source its material from Indonesian operations.

Representatives of APP Sinar Mas and Maharshtra government took part at a deal signing, EUWID reports. According to international media outlets, corresponding agreement between the government of Maharshtra state and Sinar Mas was already signed in May at the Wolrd Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

The capital expenditure for the project is expected to amount to $1.2bn. The mill is slated to come online in 2025, subject to positive outcome of the feasibility study and permitting process. The site is to be ramped up to full production in 2027.