Billerud launches wrapping solution for toilet and kitchen rolls

Photo: Billerud

Billerud presents a machine glazed kraft paper especially adapted and validated for wrapping toilet and kitchen paper rolls. Hitting the sustainability sweet spot – renewable, recyclable and biodegradable, but also enduring tough handling as good as any PE plastic.

“With this paper solution we make it easy for brand owners to switch from plastic to paper wrapping, without having to compromise on performance. It provides customers an opportunity to grow business by meeting new consumer demand through renewable and innovative applications”, says Danevert Åsbrink, Senior Director Product Management at Billerud.

Toilet and kitchen paper rolls are consumed in enormous numbers every day. For brand owners, switching from plastic to this paper wrapping would mean a significant sustainability gain. But also, for meeting consumer preferences. An Ipsos Global survey of 20 000 consumers (2021) shows that three out of four consumers want to get rid of single-use plastics. So, this new alternative from Billerud is a strong tool to decrease the gap between brands and consumers.

An attractive paper with high strength

Sustainability and a low carbon footprint are obvious strengths, but the new wrapping has more up its sleeve. Billerud’s white, long, soft virgin fibers enable excellent printability. The packaging will certainly stand out on the shelf.

It’s also important that packaging has the strength to withstand tough handling conditions. Due to its long virgin fibers, drop tests show the new paper has just as much resilience as PE plastics. Machine glazing makes the paper’s surface super smooth, which enables very strong sealing power. On top of minimizing the risk of damage to goods, the paper is strong enough to use a lighter weight and save on resources.

Billerud have a plan to help brand owners throughout their switch to our paper wrapping. From prototype and converting to product launch, Billerud has the know-how to swiftly help any brand become a pioneer in their market.