Paper Excellence Canada publishes its sustainability report

Paper Excellence Canada has published its third sustainability report: Forward Focused: 2022 Sustainability Report.

Paper Excellence Canada is one of Canada’s foremost forest businesses utilizing large scale, technically advanced manufacturing at its core. We are part of global and North American supply chains that depend on Canada’s well-managed forests which allow us to deliver a growing range of products to our customers. Forward Focused: 2022 Sustainability Report looks at both our achievements and our opportunities to do better within this framework.

This report also looks at our environmental and economic impacts nationally and on a mill-by-mill basis. From an environmental standpoint, 82% of our total energy use was renewable in 2022 while we have continued to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions—now down by 67% since 1990. We were also gratified that Corporate Knights recognized our ongoing efforts and named us one of Canada’s 50 Best Corporate Citizens in 2022.

“Paper Excellence has grown a lot in the last 18 months; this report focuses on Paper Excellence Canada and what our team has accomplished,” said Graham Kissack, Vice President, Environment, Health & Safety and Corporate Communications. “I’m proud of this report and what we achieved in 2022 despite some broad challenges such as transportation network deficiencies, rising input costs and an ongoing market transformation.”

“To supplement the hard data in the report, we’ve also produced eight “Practices and Perspectives” stories that are linked to our website via QR codes.” said Kissack. “These are slice-of-life stories about what happened at Paper Excellence in 2022. They include topics like Indigenous-led cultural awareness training, responding to rail car shortages, and an artificial reef providing exceptional marine habitat.”

The full sustainability report and the “Practices and Perspectives” stories can be found on the Paper Excellence website.

Paper Excellence, headquartered in British Columbia, is a diversified manufacturer of pulp and specialty, printing, writing, and packaging papers that owns 10 facilities in Canada producing over 2.5 million tonnes annually with a workforce of more than 2,100.