Pro Carton and CEPI Cartonboard to merge

Image courtesy: Pro Carton

Members of CEPI Cartonboard and Pro Carton have confirmed that they will merge into one strong association under the name Pro Carton, following a 12-month period of consultation. The final merger is expected to take place in 2024 after all legal procedures are successfully met.

The announcement was made at the Annual General Meeting in June in Brussels.  There has long been a strong alignment between CEPI Cartonboard and Pro Carton.  The merger will create a more effective and efficient group that has a stronger voice throughout the cartonboard and carton industry. This will include several new working streams, each devoted to driving synergies, improving the Associations’ representation and support it offers member organisations.

The announcement was made at the associations’ Annual General Meeting on 16th June 2023 in Brussels. The merger will create a more effective and efficient group that has a stronger voice throughout the cartonboard and carton industry.  This will include several new working streams, each devoted to driving synergies, improving the associations’ representation and support it offers member organisations.