Lecta, committed to purchasing certified and controlled pulp and fiber

Lecta is a leading European manufacturer and distributor of specialty paper for labels and flexible packaging, coated and uncoated paper for publishing and commercial printing, and other high value-added innovative products such as its range of environment-friendly, recyclable functional papers. Photo: Lecta

Wood is a natural, renewable resource, and Lecta firmly supports its responsible  use to preserve forests, the environment and its value for our society at large.

Lecta’s responsible Purchasing of Wood and Forest-Based Products Policy states the company’scommitment regarding the purchasing of pulp and fiber. The policy and itsrequirements, along with the principles in our Code of Ethics and Lecta's Integrated Management System Policy, ensure the correct management of its purchases, in line with Lecta’s sustainability targets.

In keeping with these values, Lecta’s PEFC and FSC® C011032 Chain of Custody  system has been in place for years to guarantee accountability and the protection  of forest resources through tracking systems.

In 2022, 87% of the pulp purchased by Lecta was certified and 100% was from controlled sources. The target set for 2030 is for 100% of the pulp we purchase to be certified and controlled.

Lecta is a leading European manufacturer and distributor of specialty paper for labels and flexible packaging, coated and uncoated paper for publishing and commercial printing, and other high value-added innovative products such as its range of environment-friendly, recyclable functional papers. Lecta products are based on natural, renewable resources that contribute to a circular economy, creating a better, more sustainable world for all.