Toscotec to supply new rewinder line to The Navigator Company

Paulo Santos, Mill Manager at The Navigator Company’s Aveiro tissue mill. Photo: Toscotec ( cropped image)
Paulo Santos, Mill Manager at The Navigator Company’s Aveiro tissue mill. Photo: Toscotec

Toscotec will supply an OPTIMA 1800 slitter rewinder to the Navigator Company at their Cacia production base in Aveiro, Portugal. The start-up is planned for the second half of 2024. 

The new OPTIMA 1800 slitter rewinder is equipped with tension and nip control for high quality winding, and it will process close to 2,800 mm width parent reels using two unwind stands. Toscotec will also supply the associated roll handling and trim removal system designed to feed the rewinder’s trim paper back to the tissue machine to maximize fiber savings across the entire production line. The service package includes full onsite erection, as well as erection supervision, training, commissioning, and start-up assistance. 

Long-standing cooperation 

The Navigator Company and Toscotec have been collaborating closely since 2015, when the Navigator Company acquired tissue producer AMS who operated two high-speed Toscotec AHEAD tissue machines at their Vila Velha De Ródão mill: PM1 and PM2, started up respectively in 2009 and 2015.

Paulo Santos, Mill Manager at The Navigator Company’s Aveiro mill, says, “We are looking forward to continuing our partnership with Toscotec, who has proved in the past to be a reliable supplier for its state-of-the-art technology, flexibility, and expert services. This new rewinder line will support our growth in the international markets as a leading manufacturer of premium quality tissue.”

Gabriele Romanini, Sales Manager at Toscotec, says: “We are happy to strengthen our cooperation with The Navigator Company on this new project. Their new OPTIMA rewinder will allow them to achieve a high level of efficiency while preserving paper qualities to fully capture the added value they wish to offer to their large customer base. The new line also meets the highest safety standards with a smart concept for easy operations.”

About The Navigator Company 

The Navigator Company is an integrated producer of forest, pulp and paper, tissue, and energy.

It operates four facilities in Portugal: Cacia, Figueira da Foz, Vila Velha de Ródão, and Setúbal. The company’s total annual production capacity is approx. 1.6 million tons of paper, and 1.5 million tons of pulp, of which roughly 80% is integrated into paper production. Its products are shipped to approximately 130 countries in 5 continents, especially in Europe and the US, making it the third largest exporter in Portugal. The Navigator Company is also a leading operator in the biomass energy sector, where it produces over 50% of all power generated in Portugal from biomass, and 5% of all electricity in Portugal.