Valmet Issues EUR 200 million green notes

Valmet Oyj issues senior unsecured green notes of EUR 200 million (the “Notes”). The maturity of the Notes is five years and they mature on March 13, 2029. The Notes carry fixed annual interest of 4.000 percent. The issue price of the notes is 99.871 percent. The offering was allocated to 42 investors.

“The inaugural bond issued by Valmet under our newly established Green Finance Framework is an important part of Valmet's financing structure and we were delighted to see strong investor interest in the bond. The issuance of a green bond not only diversifies our funding sources but is also in line with our mission: Converting renewable resources into sustainable results,” says Katri Hokkanen, Valmet's Chief Financial Officer.

Valmet will submit an application to have the Notes listed on the list of sustainable bonds of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. The net proceeds from the Notes offering will be used in accordance with the Green Finance Framework (the “Framework”) published by Valmet on March 1, 2024.

Danske Bank A/S and Nordea Bank Abp (“Nordea”) act as joint lead managers for the issue of the Notes. Nordea acted as an advisor in connection with establishing the Framework.