Italian tissue producer Paperdí gets go-ahead for expansion project

Paperdì has been operating since 1989 in the tissue sector of the paper sector, producing disposable items for hygienic and food use at the Caserta plant.

The executive phase of the PM4 project has begun, tissue producer Paperdí says.  After a complex authorization process, the approval from the Campania Region for the installation of the second paper production machine in the Pietramelara plant has arrived.

Recently, Paperdi Srl obtained authorization from the Campania Region to proceed and implement the PM4 Project, which involves the expansion of the production process of the Pietramelara paper plant through a second production line.

A wide-ranging project subjected to a complex procedural process for which the collaborative relationship between the pool of Paperdi consultants, composed of highly specialized technicians who collaborate with the Company and the internal team of the Company, was crucial; a collaboration that has found concrete confirmation in the synergic cooperation of the relevant Office of the Campania Region, which has demonstrated high competence and efficiency, dynamically coordinating the work of all the Institutional Bodies involved.

In its role as evaluator and coordinator of the process, the Regional Office has in fact been able to orchestrate methods and times, scheduling the contribution of each body involved in the Sole regional Authorization Procedure – PAUR with a decisive consequent interconnection.

An important result that opens the way to significant development opportunities and that will generate economic and social benefits, not only for Paperdi, but for the entire supply chain and for the territory in general.     

Thanks to the achievement of the authorization title, today the executive phase of the project and the development of the operational steps of the implementation process officially starts.