Creativity and customer focus: the SAP AI discovery workshop at T.CON

Photo: SAP

“Hands on AI” was the motto at T.CON’s German headquarters last week. Together with their partner SAP, the focus was on the potential of AI in their customers' processes. In cross-functional workshop teams, the T.CON colleagues who have been implementation experts in the paper industry for 25 years, worked on attractive use cases.


“You won't lose your job to AI, but you might lose it to somebody who uses AI better than you do!” - With this inspiring quote, among others, the SAP coaches got numerous T.CON colleagues from the various departments in the mood for an exciting workshop day. The aim: the (further) development of AI-based solutions from T.CON, which should offer our customers precisely the opportunity to use artificial intelligence early on and to their advantage.


Insights into the SAP AI strategy

First of all, all participants received comprehensive first-hand insights into which aspects are currently shaping or will shape the SAP AI strategy. Whether the continuous development of the AI assistant Joule, BTP AI Services or Embedded AI - the roadmap is full to bursting and SAP has greatly expanded its portfolio in various areas. This is a trend that will not only continue in the future, but will even intensify. 


“AI will drive the economy": seizing opportunities

For users with an affinity for AI, this strategic orientation of SAP is a great opportunity. The SAP AI solution offering will grow quickly and steadily, with quarterly updates and improvements. But even in current S/4HANA releases (since 2020), there are already many embedded scenarios, some of which are even based purely on HANA technology, and which offer themselves as a “quick win” and first small step towards using AI. One thing is certain: the use of AI will ensure tangible productivity gains in the coming years. Across all lines of business, there is potential for significant increases in revenue and cost savings that can be created or increased through customized SAP AI solutions.


Practice-oriented insights

In order to explore the potential of AI in more detail and make theoretical concepts more tangible, the SAP coaches led participants through various practical scenarios. These concrete use cases impressively illustrated how artificial intelligence can be integrated and used in different business processes. It is generally advisable for SAP users to act proactively and be open to the possible use of AI-based solutions. This is because many small but valuable AI scenarios can already be implemented with current SAP releases. This means that SAP user companies can take the first steps today and lay the foundations for more extensive AI-based and automated use cases in the future.


Interactive workshop and innovative use cases  

These were precisely the topics on the agenda in the second part of the workshop day. In interactive sessions, the participants further developed their own ideas and discussed use cases in which artificial intelligence could be used profitably. These collaborative exercises encouraged the creative exploration of AI technologies and the exchange of ideas about new T.CON solutions that specifically address the challenges of our customers. Big thank you to SAP for the visit and all participants for the exchange. The whole team is looking forward to putting the many ideas that emerged into practice.