Advanced Industries Packaging

Advanced Industries Packaging

Advanced Industries Packaging is the second largest paper sacks manufacturer in Europe with its 6 production sites in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy, Czech Republic and Romania, with a total installed capacity of 700+ million sacks per year. The company has a large number of customers comprising major global producers of cement, chemicals, construction materials, dairy products and other foodstuffs.


Advanced Industries Packaging makes sacks in a variety of designs intended for a broad range of uses and also consults customers on what could be the best packaging solutions for their products. Our company focuses on the research and development of new technologies. The laboratories in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Romania work for the entire Group and share their results with AIP plants operating out of Italy and Czech Republic.

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Advanced Industries Packaging


Schwarzenbergplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria 

+43 139 50 60 5000





















































