Liansheng Pulp & Paper invests in new pulp mill in Zhangzhou, China

Thomas Schmitz, president of Andritz China (left), and Chen Jiayu, Chairman and main owner of Liansheng. Photo: Andritz

Andritz has received an order from the Chinese pulp and paper producer Liansheng Pulp & Paper to supply the most value-adding and resource-saving technologies for a new pulp mill in Zhangzhou, Fujian province, China.

Andritz will supply state-of-the-art and environmentally friendly technologies for all main process islands in the fiber production and the chemical recovery plant, thus strongly supporting Liansheng Pulp & Paper in reaching its sustainability and financial goals. Start-up is scheduled for mid-2024.

The Andritz scope of supply includes the following:

-Chip handling plant consisting of eight 360° stacker reclaimer chip storage and chip screening systems from ANDRITZ. The chip handling plant will serve both the chemical and mechanical pulping lines of the mill. The stacker reclaimers supplied by ANDRITZ will have a capacity of 387,000 m3 each and are the largest in the world. They will operate according to the FIFO (first in, first out) principle to blend and homogenize the chips upstream of the fiberline. The delivery includes also screw reclaimers for the biomass store.


-The complete fiberline fully equipped with Compact Press wash press technology, providing brightness of more than 91% ISO. The delivery includes state-of-the-art LoSolids continuous cooking, screening, brown stock and post-oxygen washing equipment with Compact Presses as well as a two-stage oxygen delignification and a four-stage ECF bleaching plant with Compact Presses. The wide range of ANDRITZ washer technologies ensures highly environmentally compatible performance tailored to the customer’s needs.


-Two screening systems for the pulp drying line and for the wet lap and paper machines. An energy-efficient black liquor evaporation plant to concentrate liquor up to 85% DS (w/o ash) in a tailor-made process solution resulting in high availability and an increase in the overall production and efficiency of the plant. ANDRITZ’s easy-to-clean lamella heating surfaces ensure high availability and easy operation of the plant.

-Ash re-crystallization (ARC) system to treat the ash from the electrostatic precipitator by decreasing the chloride and potassium content while recovering sodium and sulfate. The ARC process from ANDRITZ is based on evaporative crystallization using the economical mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) technology as the heat source. ANDRITZ has delivered several ARC systems for various pulp mills in China in recent years.


-The largest HERB recovery boiler in China, with steam values of 515°C and 105 bar(g) at the turbine, featuring energy-efficient flue gas cooling and feed water preheating technologies to maximize steam for power generation. The state-of-the-art HERB recovery boiler is designed for long operating periods based on high cleanability.


-A complete white liquor plant with gasification system, enabling fossil-free operation of the lime kilns with an optimized pulp mill carbon footprint. The new recausticizing plant includes an efficient green liquor handling system with three LimeGreen filters for green liquor filtration and two centrifuges for handling of dregs – producing clean green liquor and minimizing waste to landfill. This new, single lime kiln plant will be the world’s largest in terms of capacity and is equipped with ANDRITZ’s LimeFlash-H feed head system.

-LimeFlash-H is a new feed end technology for maximizing lime kiln efficiency, focusing mainly on boosting the capacity of lime kilns at the same time as reducing the energy consumption.


-The biomass gasification plant will be the largest of its kind worldwide feeding a lime kiln burner. The supply includes the CFB gasification plant with biomass and ash handling systems and a belt dryer. The biomass feed will be a mixture of eucalyptus and acacia chips and bark.


-Mill-wide incineration system for non-condensable gases (NCG). The incineration system enables safe and environmentally friendly treatment of all types of diluted or concentrated malodorous and toxic gases, thus meeting the strictest environmental and social requirements. The NCG incineration system is based on the A-Recovery+ concept from ANDRITZ, which focuses on using the side streams in the recovery cycle.


-Two Stirox (WLOx) systems. The Stirox system from ANDRITZ has a higher reaction efficiency to preserve the chemical balance of the mill.