Georgia-Pacific invests US$150m in U.S. paper mill

Georgia-Pacific has announced a new investment at one of its paper mills. Photo by Georgia-Pacific.
Georgia-Pacific has announced a new investment at one of its paper mills. Photo by Georgia-Pacific.

New development U.S. producer Georgia-Pacific has announced that it is injecting more than US$150 million with the aim to rebuild a paper machine at the company’s paper mill in Wauna, in the U.S. state of Oregon.


Engineering and related work has been initiated, and startup of the machine is expected to take place in 2026, the manufacturer said in a statement.


“We are excited to invest in our market leading Angel Soft bath tissue and strategic private label brands we support," said Vivek Joshi, the president of Georgia-Pacific's retail tissue, towel and napkin business, as quoted in a statement. "This investment will allow us to grow these brands and continue to serve our loyal consumers with the great quality they have come to expect.”