4evergreen is hitting the conference floors

Image: 4Evergreen
Image: 4Evergreen

This year, 4evergreen has launched an Ambassadorship programme that is taking the alliance to major packaging and sustainability events. In April, 4evergreen made its big debut at the World Circular Economy Forum.

The aim of the Ambassadorship programme is to promote the adoption of 4evergreen’s industry ‘toolbox’, which equips the packaging industry with actionable recommendations for improved circularity in the fibre-based packaging life cycle. The toolbox includes the Recyclability Evaluation Protocol, the Circularity by Design Guideline, and the Guidance on the Improved Collection and Sorting

This is an intermediate step towards achieving the alliance’s ultimate goal - reaching a 90% recycling rate for fibre-based packaging by 2030 -, up from 82.5% today (source: Eurostat). To get there, 4evergreen has set intermediate objectives for 2025:

That the fibre-based industry recognises and uses 4evergreen’s recyclability evaluation protocol and its circularity by design guidelines;

That separate collection streams are available for all fibre-based packaging types, including those used in household, out-of-home and on-the-go consumption;

That all paper for recycling is sorted according to the paper and board categories specified in the EN643 standard;

That 100% of collected fibre-based packaging is recycled.

Meeting these targets requires industry-wide collaboration. The 4evergreen ambassadors, as industry experts selected from member organisations, will play a crucial role by showcasing the alliance’s expertise in improving circularity at key events. 

In addition to the presence of ambassadors at numerous gatherings, 4evergreen will also be present as an exhibitor at these three top events in Europe:

  • Drupa, Dusseldorf, Germany, 28th May – 7th June
  • FACHPACK, Nuremberg, Germany, 24th – 26th September.

This April, 4evergreen made its debut at the World Circular Economy Forum in Brussels.