Brazil’s Suzano teams up with French CIRAD

 Suzano is boosting its international cooperation. Photo by Suzano
Suzano is boosting its international cooperation. Photo by Suzano

New partnership Brazilian group Suzano, the largest pulp producer in the world, and the International Cooperation Center for Agronomic Research for Development (CIRAD), a French organization focused on research and international cooperation for sustainable development in tropical and Mediterranean regions, have formed a partnership and signed a Memorandum of Understanding. 


"The goal of the initiative is to strengthen collaboration and shared efforts to develop joint actions for income generation and environmental conservation in the states of Pará and Maranhão, particularly targeting people in situation of social vulnerability,” the business said in a statement.  


Suzano declared that the two partners "will develop strategies to build a program targeting the sustainable development of the territories, engaging technical and financial partners to contribute to the initiative and its impacts."