Make your web Inspection & monitoring investment future proof

Photo: Procemex
Photo: Procemex

Text by Procemex

Are you protecting the value of your system investment? Conducting scheduled maintenance and system modernizations significantly extends the life cycle of the web monitoring and inspection system. Well-maintained systems help mills reduce waste and improve cost-effectiveness. Scheduled maintenance actions, reusing parts, and using the system according to user instructions extend the system’s lifespan.

Durable Systems and Seamless Upgrades

Procemex systems and software are carefully designed to ensure a long life cycle. Our unique system architecture enables effective remote support thanks to the capability of remotely troubleshooting smart cameras. This speeds up problem solving and avoids unnecessary travel. In software development, new system features and functionalities are available to all our customers, as you don’t need to buy a new system to enjoy new features. As our customer, you have the freedom to choose which new features you want to add to the existing system.

We strive to provide cost-effective new ways to enhance the system performance of our existing customers. For example, all new cameras and lights that have been developed fit existing Procemex systems perfectly, meaning there is no need to renew the entire system when using the latest camera or light technology. Additionally, we offer extensive repair services for different system parts, assuring cost-effective repairing.

Customer Collaboration 

Our service offering has been developed in collaboration with our customers to support their internal maintenance and production processes. The key factors determining service success are planning, scheduling, and regularity. Additionally, continuous mill personnel training and their skill enhancement are crucial, as people may change jobs, forget what they have learned, and technology may be updated.

Investment in Life Cycle is an Investment for the Future

To achieve the best possible system performance over its lifetime, it is important to regularly maintain it, follow the user instructions, and use original spare parts. This minimizes unplanned downtime and avoids unexpected costs. Scheduled maintenance not only helps save unnecessary expenses but also improves the system’s performance throughout its lifetime. This results in cost savings by optimizing end product quality, improving machine runnability, and using raw materials and energy in a smart way.

Expense or Investment?

Investing in maintenance and the life cycle is often viewed as an expense rather than an investment for the future. We are convinced that it should be considered an investment with a clear payback. Indeed, the life cycle service guarantees the return on investment throughout the system’s life cycle.

When investing, the focus is often on choosing a system that meets performance requirements at an acceptable level and at the time the investment is made. It is difficult to anticipate all the end customer’s long-term quality-related needs. The Procemex One Platform system is genuinely future proof. System development is made in close collaboration with our customers, ensuring our system also meets evolving customer needs.

Contract-based Service for Increased Predictability and Cost Savings

Procemex has invested significant resources and expertise in its service operations to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Our global service team is dedicated to providing timely support and service, allowing our customers to focus on their core business.

Choosing a contract-based service can be very beneficial, as it provides professional support when necessary. It also brings increased predictability and helps in scheduling maintenance. With a service contract, you can avoid maintenance cost peaks and ensure that your systems are always in top condition, providing peace of mind and cost savings in the long run.

Data security is a big concern today and is an essential part of Procemex’s life cycle services. With a service contract, the Procemex applications are regularly updated, and your system is safe from external threats.

Author: Ari-Pekka Räisänen, Director, Customer Service Projects and Product Development