Chandpur Enterprises starts up two Toscotec’s MG dryers in India

Chandpur Enterprises’ and Toscotec’s teams at start-up at their Chandpur’s facility in Uttar Pradesh, India. Photo: Toscotec

Indian paper manufacturer Chandpur Enterprises started up two highly technological TT SYD MG Steel Yankee Dryers for Machine Glazed paper supplied by Toscotec as a replacement of two local steel Yankee cylinders at their facility in Chandpur, Uttar Pradesh. After the rebuild, PM1 and PM2 resumed production of MG paper in the basis weight range from 35 to 70 gsm. 

A considerable jump in production and quality

PM1 and PM2’s rebuilds have attained two main targets. Firstly, the paper machines have substantially increased their production and thermal energy efficiency. Secondly, the paper quality, in particular the CD moisture profile, was significantly improved. 

Designed for a maximum steam pressure of 10 barg, the two TT SYD MG dryers feature a diameter of 14ft and 16ft respectively for PM1 and PM2 and are equipped with Voith’s Terradry metallization specifically designed for MG application. 

TT SYD MG: Toscotec’s Steel Yankee expertise applied to MG 

TT SYD MG dryers benefit from Toscotec’s unsurpassed expertise in the design and manufacturing of Steel Yankee Dryers spanning over 25 years. This vast experience is a guarantee for the highest reliability as well as paper quality with superior smoothness. By increasing the drying capacity, the TT SYD MG have significantly improved the production performance of the two machines. 

Amit Mittal, Executive Managing Director at Chandpur Enterprises, says, “The rebuild projects were completed on schedule and have achieved all the targets. Following two smooth start-ups, we registered a strong boost in production as well as an improvement in paper quality, which allowed us to realize our strategy of market expansion and seize the opportunities offered by the positive growth trend of MG papers in India.”

Giancarlo Gianlorenzi, Sales Manager at Toscotec, says, “We are delighted to have established such a positive cooperation with Chandpur Enterprises. The good performances that they’ve been recording on the two machines after the rebuilds are definitely offering a competitive advantage. In the Indian market, the production of specialty papers, and of MG paper in particular, is forecast to increase by 6% annually over the next 5 years. With this project, Toscotec has strengthened its presence on this high-potential growth market.”

About Chandpur Enterprises Ltd.

Founded in 1998, Chandpur Enterprises manufactures different grades of MG paper at their production base in Chandpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The company produces approximately 3,000 tons per month for the domestic and Asian markets.