Founded in the year 2000, Nipman Paper Technology has become an established and successful supplier to the Scandinavian paper industry market. Now also, Finland, UK and DACHArea.


improve your production and quality with both new and proven on-line technology and simple tools to boost efficiency and minimise variations with special software with help of an expert. State of The Art portable moisture meters and New technology to improve water management. Warehouse automation and roll grinding technology. Actuators, valves and profiling systems. Special rolls.


Latest technology in roll hardness testing 


Tapio RQP Live - Leading Innovation in Roll Quality Analysis


Applications include:- specialty papers, kraft liner, SC paper, LWC, Boards

plastic films, label and packaging materials.



• Pixact, Processs Monitoring, optimize your process and with new real-time analysis technology of industrial process suspensions

• AvatronSystems Microperm® On-line Porosity analyzer, Nr 1 in the world

• Aurelia PSMQ, On-line Strenght sensor system

• Sensorik, SensoWeb on-line moisture meter for demanding positions

• Sensorik, SensoWeb web break detectors based on different technology depending on position

• FrontWay, Improve your quality and boost your efficiency only by using your own information files better with the help of an Expert. PaperFront® software.

• Visilab, AK30 and MK30, portable moisture meters. Especially designed for paper industry.

• Sansox Oxtube, Improve your water management with New State of The Art Technology Keep the H2S odor away and increase the DO in discharge water

• RollResearch, The new world leader in roll measuring and grinding technology

• Pesmel,design and deliver automated material flow solutions in industrial handling packaging and logistics

• Tasowheel, Actuators, profiling systems, moisturizers

• Leonhard Breitenbach, special rolls for paper machines

• AFT Global, innovative technologies, equipment and services in stock preparation, fiber screening and refining technologies. POM Approach Flow


Nipman Paper Technology

+46 8 559 23 019

Stora Robertsgatan 20-22

00120Helsingfors |Finland



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Actuators, Centrail oil lubrication systems, Roll grinding & measuring technology, Aircontent meter, Paper machine optimising services, Porosity on-line measurement, Moisture measurement, Doctor blade angle meter, CD profiling systems, Roll hardness profiler, Screening and refining technology, Mixing tanks special, Paper machine analysing, Colour dosing technology