MOPSsys MOPS™, the product suite for pulp and paper, is MOPSsys’ Process Information Management and Quality Management Systems that enable the integration of all mill information systems. This allows information to freely flow from the mill floor to the mill management. By providing full access to all data at any time, the data integrity is ensured and processes are optimized.

There is an overwhelming amount of data in the mill, but how much of that data is actually useful information that can be utilized to make timely decisions? To ensure “manufacturing intelligence”, MOPS™ acts as the process, material and production database in the mill. MOPS™ software product embraces integration, information and applications to achieve a complete overview at your mill or enterprise. MOPS™ provides the platform for implementing a variety of MOPS processes and production optimization management systems.

For instance MIS, MIW, PIMS, LIMS systems that include applications among others for Pulp & Paper Quality (BQIS, PQIS), Manual Data Entry (MDE), Machine Equipment Tracking (MET), Production Loss Analysis (PLA) and MOPS Process Diary (LogBook). When you look at who we are and how we fit, you can assure yourself that you are entrusting your millwide and enterprise- wide systems to people that know the pulp and paper industry.

With hundreds MOPS system in 14 different countries, we have continuously focused on bringing value-added applications and solutions to our customers so that they can focus on their business of making pulp and paper. Check out MOPSsys News and keep updated.

“Turning data into useful information”

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Production Loss Analyzer, PPMS, Bale Quality System, Information Systems, Logbook, LIMS, PIMS, Paper Quality System, Quality Information Systems, Process Information System


MOPSsys, Torggatan 10,Örnsköldsvik

+46 (0)660-266 231 Torggatan 10

89133 Örnsköldsvik
