UMV Coating Systems AB has extensive knowledge and expertise from more than 50 years in the business and more than 600 installations world wide. Producers in the coated paper and board industry can turn to UMV with complete confidence for top-of-the-line solutions for coating systems, pilot trials, service agreements and consultation for optimized coating operations.

With a strong customer focus and a business DNA built on innovation and reliability, UMV ­Coating Systems has become the global technology leader in the development and supply of surface ­treatment technology to the coated ­paper and board industries.

The UMV Coating Systems range of products and services ­includes all of the equipment and know-how necessary for ­complete coating solutions. In addition to advanced equipment for single or double-sided ­surface sizing, pigmenting and coating, UMV Coating ­Systems takes responsibility for complete ­coating ­sections, including pre-study, design, manufacture, ­installation supervision, training, startup and continuous improvement. INVO® Coater and INVO® Tip are the latest of many unique ­products from UMV Coating Systems.

Benchmark coating profiles are the result of the ABC™ Profiling System that fits in any coater. TWIN ABC™ is compact and coats two sides ­simultaneously – and now INVO® Tip, the energy-­saving and production-boosting metering element for excellent fiber ­coverage, print quality coverage and barrier properties.


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