4evergreen announces its first Circularity Success Stories initiative

The 4evergreen Alliance today unveils five selected projects from its first "Circularity Success Stories" initiative, which showcases members' remarkable efforts to increase the recycling rate of fibre-based packaging to 90% by 2030.

Three years on from its inception, 4evergreen invited members to share groundbreaking projects, whether developed individually or collaboratively, that have been spurred by the alliance and can serve as inspiring examples of fibre-based packaging circularity and sustainability.

A total of 22 inspiring projects have qualified, and five will be showcased during 4evergreen’s annual conference, "The Pathway to Circularity: from Guidance to Action," on 20 November in Brussels and online. Below are the chosen projects, each representing its respective category:


  • Addressing Recyclability Challenges: Aquapak - Developing re-pulpable and bio-digestible barrier coatings for functional fibre-based packaging
  • Design for Circularity: SIG - SIG Terra alu-free full barrier
  • Improve Collection & Sorting: Huhtamaki, Seda, Stora Enso, McDonalds – The Cup Collective
  • Circularity Best Practices: - Palurec PolyAl Recycling Plant
  • Landmark Investments Project enabling our Key Targets: DS Smith - Fibre and Paper Development Laboratory, or “Fibre Lab”

4evergreen’s experts are finalising a toolbox to equip Europe’s fibre-based packaging value chain with key guidance, recommendations and processes to tackle the sustainability challenge. After almost three years of intense work, the first versions of the Recyclability Evaluation Protocol, Circularity by Design Guideline, and Guidance on the Improved Collection and Sorting are now accessible and open to all. The alliance is working on maximising uptake of these resources by companies, partners, and public authorities, as Europe continues forging the path towards a greener future.

Projects were evaluated by a dedicated jury, guided by the following criteria:

  • Project or product that is already live/available
  • Concrete impact on sustainability/circular economy
  • Level of collaboration between members
  • Contribution to reaching the 4evergreen targets.
  • Use of 4evergreen tools
  • Uniqueness/Innovative character of the initiative

 All 22 collected projects serve as vivid examples of how leading companies from across the entire value chain, are collaborating to transform challenges into opportunities, turning 4evergreen ambitious targets into reality, with its industry toolbox playing a pivotal role in fostering circularity.

The jury included two external representatives: Carl Olsmats, Senior Lecturer in Industrial Economics at Dalarna University, and Uwe Melichar, Vice-President of the European Brands and Packaging Design Association (EPDA). It also included 4evergreen’s Program Director and Chair, plus key members from each segment of the value chain represented in the alliance.

Everyone interested in knowing more about the selected projects is invited to register for the 4evergreen hybrid annual conference via this link. All 22 success stories will be included in a special publication that will be launched during the event.


For additional information/interviews, please reach out to the 4evergreen media officer Chiara Marconato at chiara.marconato@logos-pa.com.


About 4evergreen

4evergreen is a cross-industry alliance of over 110 members representing the entire lifecycle of fibre-based packaging – from pulp, paper and board manufacturers and recyclers to packaging producers and converters, including brand owners, retailers, and waste management companies. It also comprises non-fibre material suppliers (e.g., adhesives, inks, coatings), technology providers (e.g., machinery, collection, and recycling solutions), leading research institutes, and start-ups.


Together they share expertise to develop tools and guidelines for an even more sustainable sector. Their goal is to reach a 90% recycling rate for fibre-based packaging in Europe by 2030.


Overall, our members employ 4.3 million people all over the world, with a consolidated annual turnover of over 2 trillion euros. All our members have set ambitious targets, clearly showcasing their commitment to addressing the most pressing global challenges.