Klabin distributes 500 native seedlings to the local community in Lages (SC)

Klabin distributed 500 native tree seedlings together with its employees to the local community of Lages (SC). The initiative took place during the second edition of the Family Farming Fair, held by the Association of Municipalities of Serra Catarinense (Amures), Epagri and the Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries of Lages, in honor of the International Day of Family Farming, celebrated on July 25.

The donated species were Pitanga, Araçá, Cereja do Mato and Guabiroba, native to the region and which contribute to strengthening the preservation of local biodiversity. The donation of seedlings is part of the Social Forests program, carried out by Klabin in partnership with Apremavi and Sebrae. The program arrived in Santa Catarina in 2020 to support family farmers in municipalities and communities neighboring Klabin's operations in the state. The program promotes economic, social and environmental opportunities, with several actions to strengthen family farming, contributing to permanence in the countryside and the sustainable development of the production and consumption chain. As a century-old forest-based company, the Company strengthens its presence in communities, also contributing to the afforestation of cities.

Klabin has been present in the state for over 50 years, with the city of Lages as its center of social and economic development. With a forest area covering approximately 151 thousand hectares, planted and native forests extend into the neighboring state of Rio Grande do Sul, reaching a total of 44 municipalities in Santa Catarina and 11 cities in Rio Grande do Sul. In areas of preserved native forests alone, the company maintains almost 72 thousand hectares in this region.
