Kemira rated as top 1 per cent for sustainability by global rating platform EcoVadis

Photo: Kemira
Photo: Kemira

Kemira rated as top 1% for sustainability by global rating platform EcoVadis


Kemira has been awarded with the Gold level rating by the global sustainability rating platform EcoVadis. With a total score of 75 out of 100, this puts Kemira among the top 1% of companies in the world.


Companies scoring between 62 and 100 receive the Gold rating and make up the top 5%. This is the fifth consecutive year that Kemira has achieved a Gold rating.


This score reflects Kemira’s long-standing commitment to sustainability and transparency. It gives confidence to our customers that they are protected from upstream supply chain risks and shows our stakeholders that we act on the full breadth of sustainability issues.


“At a time when customers and the public are increasingly expecting companies to act decisively on sustainability issues such as climate change, we find this recognition of our dedication to science and comparability of performance metrics very encouraging,” says Rasmus Valanko, Director, Corporate Responsibility.


Already more than half of Kemira’s revenue comes from products and solutions that improve resource efficiency for its customers. Add to that the fact that Kemira’s core business is in developing technologies and solutions to help recycle and reuse water, and the case is clear: Kemira is making a major positive impact on sustainability.


“Sustainability is an integral part of how we do business in Kemira. It contributes to our profitability and it’s what differentiates us in the market,” adds Jari Rosendal, President & CEO.


EcoVadis is a collaborative platform providing sustainability ratings and performance improvement tools for global supply chains. The EcoVadis methodology framework assesses companies’ policies and actions as well as their published reporting related to the environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The EcoVadis methodology is based on the international sustainability standards of the Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and ISO 26000.